Kumja types
There are Kumja models for every weather:
The Winterkumja keeps you efficiently warm thanks to a high quality insulation (3M Thinsulate Platinum) - even at considerable sub-zero temperatures.
The light Sunshine Kumja is ideal for the transitional season and cool summer nights. It also serves well as a sun protection.
The Rain Cover (optional accessory) makes the Winter and Sunshine Kumja water and wind resistent. It is a good add-on for your functional jacket.
Winterkumja Black
€45.00 -
Winterkumja Anthracite
€45.00 -
Winterkumja as a Present
Rain Cover for Winter- or Sunshine Kumja
€22.00 -
Sunshine Kumja Black
€35.00 -
Sunshine Kumja Anthracite
Sunshine Kumja as a Present
€50.00 -
Rain Cover XL
€22.00 -
Kumja Huckepack - For Back Carry